Wednesday, September 3, 2008

live life king size...."ART OF LIVING"


Advice For The BeginnerMaybe you’ve heard about the wonderful benefits of meditation; “It will relax you, center your thoughts, allow you to escape from your stressful day”. Why wouldn’t you want to take part in such an activity?The truth is - most people never reap the considerable rewards that a quality meditation session can offer. After a few unsuccessful attempts, these individuals give up and conclude “meditation doesn’t work”. If you don’t believe meditation can work for you, I’d like to offer you a bit of perspective via the following exercise:Go to a music store that sells pianos (if you can play piano, substitute this instrument with one you’ve never played before). Sit down at a piano and play some beautiful music. What, you can’t……? But I’ve heard that a person can play beautiful music on a piano. Maybe try a few more times. No doubt, if after three or four attempts you are not producing exquisite sounds from this instrument, you will come to the conclusion that “pianos don’t work”.We all know that the piano is capable of producing music, so why are you not able to get it to work? It’s because, in order to play the piano successfully, you must take the time to learn how to the instrument works, and then spend many hours practicing.Meditation is not a practice that will “work” the first time you try it. It took you awhile to learn how to ride a bike. You probably couldn’t catch a ball the first time you tried. Most likely, your first few meditation sessions won’t be very successful either. Instead of giving up, read some literature on meditation, research the subject on websites, and try to practice once a day for a month. Your local library probably has some meditation audio recordings or videos that you can borrow. Try a variety of meditations to find an approach that works well for you. With a bit of effort, you will get results from your meditation sessions.

How Reiki Concentration can Fulfill Your DesiresQuote
: "It is a spiritual law that the desire to do necessarily implies the ability to do."You have all read of "Aladdin's Lamp," which accomplished such wonderful things. This, of course, is only a fairy tale, but it illustrates the fact that man has within him The Power, if he is Able to use it, to gratify his every wish.If you are unable to satisfy your deepest longings it is time you learned how to use your God-given powers. You will soon be conscious that you have latent powers within capable when once developed of revealing to you priceless knowledge and unlimited possibilities of success.Man should have plenty of everything and not merely substance to live on as so many have. All natural desires can be realized. It would be wrong for the Infinite to create wants that could not be supplied. Man's very soul is in his power to think, and it, therefore, is the essence of all created things. Every instinct of man leads to thought, and in every thought there is great possibility because true thought development, when allied to those mysterious powers which perhaps transcend it, has been the cause of all the world's true progress.In the silence we become conscious of "that something" which transcends thought and which uses thought as a medium for expression. Many have glimpses of "that something," but few ever reach the state where the mind is steady enough to fathom these depths. Silent, concentrated thought is more potent than spoken words, for speech distracts from the focusing power of the mind by drawing more and more attention to the without.Man must learn more and more to depend on himself; to seek more for the Infinite within. It is from this source alone that he ever gains the power to solve his practical difficulties. No one should give up when there is always the resources of Infinity. The cause of failure is that men search in the wrong direction for success, because they are not conscious of their real powers that when used are capable of guiding themThe Infinite within is foreign to those persons who go through life without developing their spiritual powers. But the Infinite helps only he who helps himself. There is no such thing as a Special "Providence." Man will not receive help from the Infinite except to the extent that he believes and hopes and prays for help from this great source.Concentrate on What You Want and Get It. The weakling is controlled by conditions. The strong man controls conditions. You can be either the conqueror or the conquered. By the law of Reiki - Concentration you can achieve your heart's desire. This law is so powerful that that which at first seems impossible becomes attainable.By this law what you at first see as a dream becomes a reality.Remember that the first step in Reiki - Concentration is to form a Mental Image of what you wish to accomplish. This image becomes a thought-seed that attracts thoughts of a similar nature. Around this thought, when it is once planted in the imagination or creative region of the mind, you group or build associated thoughts which continue to grow as long as your desire is keen enough to compel close Reiki – Concentration.Form the habit of thinking of something you wish to accomplish for five minutes each day. Shut every other thought out of consciousness. Be confident that you will succeed; make up your mind that all obstacles that are in your way will be overcome and you can rise above any environment.You do this by utilizing the natural laws of the thought world which are all powerful.A great aid in the development of Reiki - Concentration is to write out your thoughts on that which lies nearest your heart and to continue, little by little, to add to it until you have as nearly as possible exhausted the subject.You will find that each day as you focus your forces on this thought at the center of the stream of consciousness, new plans, ideas and methods will flash into your mind. There is a law of attraction that will help you accomplish your purpose. An advertiser, for instance, gets to thinking along a certain line. He has formed his own ideas, but he wants to know what others think. He starts out to seek ideas and he soon finds plenty of books, plans, designs, etc., on the subject, although when he started he was not aware of their existence.The same thing is true in all lines. We can attract those things that will help us. Very often we seem to receive help in a miraculous way. It may be slow in coming, but once the silent unseen forces are put into operation, they will bring results so long as we do our part. They are ever present and ready to aid those who care to use them. By forming a strong mental image of your desire, you plant the thought-seed which begins working in your interest and, in time, that desire, if in harmony with your higher nature, will materialize.It may seem that it would be unnecessary to caution you to concentrate only upon achievement that will be good for you and work no harm to another, but there are many who forget others and their rights, in their anxiety to achieve success. All good things are possible for you to have, but only as you bring your forces into harmony with that law that requires that we mete out justice to fellow travelers as we journey along life's road. So first think over the thing wanted and if it would be good for you to have; say, "I want to do this; I am going to work to secure it. The way will be open for me."If you fully grasp mentally the thought of success and hold it in mind each day, you gradually make a pattern or mold which in time will materialize. But by all means keep free from doubt and fear, the destructive forces. Never allow these to become associated with your thoughts.At last you will create the desired conditions and receive help in many unlooked-for ways that will lift you out of the undesired environment. Life will then seem very different to you, for you will have found happiness through awakening within yourself the power to become the master of circumstances instead of their slave.To the beginner in this line of thought some of the things stated in this book may sound strange, even absurd, but, instead of condemning them, give them a trial. You will find they will work out.The inventor has to work out his idea mentally before he produces it materially. The architect first sees the mental picture of the house he is to plan and from this works out the one we see. Every object, every enterprise, must first be mentally created.I know a man that started in business with thirteen cents and not a dollar's worth of credit. In ten years he has built up a large and profitable business. He attributes his success to two things--belief that he would succeed and hard work. There were times when it did not look like he could weather the storm. He was being pressed by his creditors who considered him bankrupt. They would have taken fifty cents on the dollar for his notes and considered themselves lucky. But by keeping up a bold front he got an extension of time when needed. When absolutely necessary for him to raise a certain sum at a certain time he always did it. When he had heavy bills to meet he would make up his mind that certain people that owed him would pay by a certain date and they always did. Sometimes he would not receive their check until the last mail of the day of the extension, and I have known him to send out a check with the prospect of receiving a check from one of his customers the following day. He would have no reason other than his belief in the power of affecting the mind of another by Reiki - Concentration of thought for expecting that check, but rarely has he been disappointed.Just put forth the necessary concentrated effort and you will be wonderfully helped from sources unknown to you.Remember the mystical words of Jesus, the Master: "Whatsoever thing ye desire when ye pray, pray as if ye had already received and ye shall have."

Can Your Dreams Really Become a Reality?

You may be asking yourself can my dreams really become true. The answer to that question is a definite yes!All of what you are doing right now was once first just a dream in your mind and you having complete controlover all of your thoughts that can produce many results with your mind. How can this be possible you ask?Very simple, have you ever had a headache and you took some Tylenol for that headache and instantly you’ll felt better?Had the Tylenol really have a chance to work or have you imagined that the Tylenol was going to make you feel betterand instantly your mind produced the results, yet you know in your heart that there is know way that the Tylenolcould work back to your mind that quick.Therefore, you see it really was your mind that was in control thus producing the results that you really wantedin the first place. Now that you see how your mind can really produce results for you, if you learn how to workit and this is a simple and universal law. You can produce the results that you need, you can become the personthat you want, your dreams can become reality, there is only one person stopping you, and that is you!Are you ready for the challenge because once you emerge from the old way and see the results that you can have youwill never go back to doing things as if you did in the past? You control your mind and your thoughts and your dreams.For the dream to become reality you must first imagine it to be. Please stop to think about that sentence,it is very powerful and holds plenty of proof that you and only you control your dreams.For the dream to become a reality you must first imagine it to be. Can you see your life changing?Can you see that new job? Can you feel what is on the horizon? For you when you master this conceptand there will be nothing that you cannot do and that should fill you with hope. Hope plays a veryimportant part in this equation because it is the hope that fuels the engine when we call a human being. Hope fuels the engine, hope brings light to a dark day, and hope is the key to making your dreams becomes that reality.You can hope for a better day and you can plan for a brighter future and with hope this is all possible.Hope is the imagination of the mind.If you can bring all these things together, then there is nothing that you cannot accomplish.Now is a time that we need action to produce results, for without action dreams do not become a reality.For without action your dreams can never become true. Yet with hope that is your action and can producemany results in your favor. Action is the stuff that dreams are made out of.

Trusting Your Inner Guidance

When we begin to feel lost or confused about various aspects of our lives, our first instinct is to search for direction. We feel sure that the answers we need are out there somewhere, and finding them will help us to know the right way to turn.While seeking advice and guidance from others can be helpful at times, it is not always the best way to help ourselves. Rather than relying on someone else to tell us our truth, we can instead choose to look within and find the answers inside ourselves. Each of us has been given the gift of an inner advisor that will never steer us wrong.This inner advisor is not pushy, however. He or she will not speak up unless we ask for help. When we finally open our hearts and minds to hear what our inner advisor has to say, the wisdom will begin to flow freely and our lives will begin to change for the better.So, how do we tap this wealth of wisdom? Is there a request form we need to fill out somewhere? No, it's even easier than that, thank goodness. Following are tips to help you connect with your inner guidance and use it to create your best life:1) Create a Harmonious Forum - our inner guidance flourishes in peaceful, quiet surroundings. If you've got a lot of noise and chaos around you, you won't be able to tap in and hear the wisdom waiting for you. Try to find a quiet place that you can relax in. You can also surround yourself with beauty by bringing in some fresh flowers, scented candles or incense, or even some soothing artwork. Whatever will help put you in a calm, peaceful mood.2) Turn Within - if you're not a regular meditator, this can be tricky at first. You might wonder what the heck you're supposed to be turning "toward," or focusing on. The answer is simple: nothing. Focus on nothing. Simply close your eyes and turn your attention inward, to the silence within you. Random thoughts will probably keep popping in, but gently push them back out and return your attention to the silence.3) Listen for Wisdom - if you've got a specific situation you're struggling with, this would be a good time to think about it. Try to do so without judgment, and without trying to come to any conclusions. Just ponder the issue and practice acceptance for what it is at this moment. Then ask yourself, "What would be the best course of action for me at this time?" Consider the possibilities before you, and think about how each one makes you feel. Most often, you will notice a difference between something that feels right, and something that feels wrong.4) Let the Solution Materialize - if you don't recieve any insights initially, put the issue aside for awhile. By going through this process, you've already tapped into your inner guidance and asked for help. Even if the answer doesn't appear immediately, it will eventually. And in my experience, it doesn't take long! Just make an effort to stay open to the answer when it arrives. It will usually arrive in a flash of inspiration or insight that makes you say, "Ah ha!" Or perhaps it will be more along the lines of a subtle gut feeling, where you just know that one particular course of action "feels" right.5) Act from the Heart - once you know what you need to do, act with confidence. Don't let worries or fears hold you back. Believe that your inner guidance knows what's best for you, and move forward with courage. Remember that there are truly no right or wrong paths in life, only experiences that we can learn from. By at least examining your options and considering which path is right for you at this time, you are making a wiser decision than you would otherwise.At all times, strive to be your own master. There is nothing wrong with seeking knowledge and insight from others, but you aren't bound to mindlessly follow where they lead, either. You have the ability to find your own way and decide what's best for you. In your quest for knowledge, you will come across information that feels right to you, and information that doesn't seem to make sense. Use discernment and understand that there are many truths. You just have to find yours.


What exactly does this word mean? Some say that it is a lost ART, that in today’s society there is no such thing. Shall we bury it or resurrect it from the dead? First let me state that without this small word that seems insignificant little word, and then none of your hopes and dreams will come true.If you don’t have it and you are approaching a difficult task, do you feel you have a chance at the outcome being a positive one? Well guess again, because without this tiny word then none of your hopes and dreams shall come true.Is it possible that we have over estimated? When some great task is completed you can rest assured that you will receive some help from the big C-man, CONMITMENT THAT IS. Now that we know we need this word how can, we implement it into our life?What exactly is it? Well it’s that extra push we get when things we are going through get really hard, when there is nothing left in the gas tank.You must at this time reach deep inside yourself to find that little something that you need to successfully complete the task. (You made it because you had commitment to complete the job!)You stuck with it when the going got tough, you could truly not see yourself fail, and that is commitment, which is desire, which is heart!They are all related and when you have the ability to choose from the one you need to be completed and one of the other jobs, this is truly an amazing feat.THEY DO NOT GET JELOUS, THEY FEED OFF OF ONE ANOTHER, WHEN ONE IS A TAD BIT SHORT OF A DAY, ONE OF THE OTHERS PICKS UP THE SLACK, WHICH IN TURN GIVES THE PART YOU ARE WEAKEST IN.YET KNOW ALL THE FACULTIES CAN REJOICE BECAUSE THIS IS PROGRESS IN ANYONES BOOK, BUT IT ALL STARTED WITH A SIMPLE WORD AND THAT WORD IS COMMITMENT!This simple word gives you drive to complete all your task, if you have a feeling that you don’t want to finish the task it may be time to, stop what you are doing and evaluate what you are doing, to see if it is a worthy goal.If not you stop it immediately and move on to the next task that you have a feeling of commitment to do or finish the job then it’s on to our next task, remember commitment can or will make or brake you, it’s a small word but don’t be deceived by the simplicity of it, CONMITTMENT IS THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESSFUL FUTURE~!

Active Relaxation - The Neglected Art

Stress is a serious business. The subject is often in the news: we know that it causes the loss of more working days than physical illness and can lead to serious conditions of the heart and other organs. Stress is taken so seriously these days that employers have a legal duty of care towards their employees.The media put far less emphasis on the natural antidote to stress: relaxation. It might be useful to remind ourselves what relaxation actually means. Far from merely being the absence of tension, relaxing actually requires a positive act of will. Just as a composer writes rests - indicating silence - as carefully as the notes played by musicians, so we need to decide when to relax and how to do so. Just think of the expression 'To compose yourself'.Techniques that helpWe know of many techniques and disciplines, some of them very ancient, that help us to relax. Meditation has been described as 'Increasing the distance between thoughts', a way of emptying the mind of its usual chatter, regret, worry and aspiration. Yoga can help us to achieve a similar inner calm through focusing on the body and how it breathes. In both cases, the emphasis is actively on focusing our attention on the here and now, rather than reflecting on the past or thinking ahead.As with any other conscious decision, we need to focus on what we are doing if we want to succeed - and here, for many of us, lies the difficulty. If we want to benefit from these disciplines, not only do we need to endure the slow process of learning new techniques that feel strange and unfamiliar before enjoying the benefits, we also have to overcome an instinctive objection from our own bodies.What tension doesThe trouble is that when we are experiencing stress we become tense: our muscles tighten and adrenaline and cortisol flow through our systems, making it even harder to relax. Even sitting in a quiet darkened room doesn’t guarantee success – if your mind is buzzing you’ll feel over stimulated. It's easy to understand why we seek easier, more instant ways to calm down. That's why we sometimes confuse relaxation with distraction - especially in a time when so many distractions are available.What does or doesn’t relax us'I feel stressed out tonight. Let's just relax in front of the TV.' Unfortunately, most television programmes are designed to engage us by arousing our interest in some way. The sound tracks are especially effective in stimulating us emotionally, so that the net result of our attempts to 'switch off' turn out to be merely 'changing channels' with our attention. We swap one set of stimuli for another - and we have even less control over the content than when we are wrestling with all the details of our own over-busy lives.The active choiceSo: relaxation is an active choice, but it can seem too difficult and time-consuming to learn how to use the techniques that work. How can we actively choose to relax easily and effectively? William Congreve wrote ‘Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.’ and throughout history gentle music has been a favourite way to change the way we feel. This is because the vibrations that reach our ears do more than just please us as they cause our own internal rhythms, like heartbeat and brain activity, to synchronise with the music.If you have ever tried turning off the sound track of a scary movie you know how flat it can seem with only pictures to keep the mood going. Anyone who has seen what happens to baby boomers at a party when someone plays a Rolling Stones record has experienced the power of music to move people.Type of music that relaxesNaturally, the result depends on the type of music being played. A growing number of composers are choosing to focus mainly on the effect their music has on the listener. In the 1960s a series of 'mood music' albums appeared, followed in the 1970s by British artist Brian Eno's invention of the term 'ambient music' to describe the subtle, mood-invoking albums he created. The emphasis in this type of music is on the listener, not the artist ~ a very different approach from most productions. My own experience is relevant here as I spent more than twenty five years doing my best to capture the audience's attention as a session musician, performer and bandleader before getting involved with hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a way of helping people to live the kind of lives they really want.New roleIt was while exploring how to combine music with these ways of helping people that I realised the difference in emphasis: in my new musical role I was no longer centre stage ~ in fact, if the listener was aware of me then I wasn't doing my job. It surprised me how much more difficult it can be to produce music so subtle that the listener is largely unaware of it, yet so effective that it relaxes him or her every time.Self treatmentAs I researched what had already been done I found a fascinating range of different techniques, all contributing to the power of gentle music to soothe and calm us. These approaches can be combined to create truly effective musical solutions to the everyday problems caused by stress. This kind of self-treatment is a welcome alternative to pharmaceuticals, being very effective and extremely safe. Some hospitals have found that when they play the right kind of music their pain-killing medication bill goes down, in some cases to half its former level.In the 1960s, a popular idea was that music could change the world. For us as individuals, that now seems to be true – at least on a personal level.

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